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The opening ceremony of the Fourth BUCEA International Summer School was held on the afternoon of August 3. 309 students and teachers from the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium and Mechanical Education Union of Excellent Engineers from 12 universities of 14 countries attended the ceremony hosted by Prof. Chen Tao, Deputy Dean of International Development Research Institute (School of International Education).


Prof. Jiang Jie, Executive Deanr of International Development Research Institute (School of International Education), delivered her congratulations in her speech to the successful opening of the Fourth International Summer School that turned online this year due to the pandemic. She welcomed students, teachers and friends from different countries and regions and gave a brief introduction of the history, advantages and features of BUCEA and teachers for this year’s International Summer School. In the end, she extended her wishes for a complete success of this online International Summer School and a meaningful and happy holiday to the students.


一带一路建筑类高校国际联盟成员,塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学Marko Vilotic副教授作为教师代表发言,他期待同学们能够学有所获、广交朋友,希望暑期国际学校能成为两校开展深入合作的起点。中美合作“2+2”项目水163班姬宇婷代表全体学生发言,她对学校和老师的无私付出表示感谢,将与同学们一道在疫情期间坚持学习和不断进步的信念,终将迎来胜利的曙光。

Associate Professor Marko Vilotic from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, a member of the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium, addressed at the ceremony as a teacher representative. He hoped that the students could learn and make friends and hoped that the International Summer School could become the starting point for the two universities to carry out in-depth cooperation. Ji Yuting from Water 163 Class of China-America Cooperation 2+2 Project made a speech on behalf of all students. She expressed gratitude to the selfless devotions of the university and teachers. She said that the students would keep learning and continue to progress during the pandemic and she believed that we will embrace the final victory soon.


本届北京建筑大学线上暑期国际学校由国际化发展研究院(国际教育学院)、教务处联合举办,基于我校建筑学、土木工程等优势专业开设系列学术讲座。邀请了来自全球各地优秀高校的海外高层次人才,包括欧洲科学院院士Giuliano Panza、加拿大瑞尔森大学教授Ahmed Shaker、株式会社藤田首席研究员Demin Feng、可持续建筑领域的顶级学术专家和实践者刘少瑜教授、美国密歇根理工大学教授代青利,以及我校优秀的青年海外高层次人才单晓微、聂金哲、刘然彬。这些不同领域的专家将围绕学生感兴趣且普遍关心的知识话题展开讲解,营造睿智、前沿的学术氛围。

This online International Summer School of BUCEA was organized by International Development Research Institute (School of International Education) and Academic Studies Office, during which a series of academic lectures will be given on advantageous majors of BUCEA such as Architectural Studies and Civil Engineering. Overseas high-level talents from good universities around the world have been invited, including Giuliano Panza, Academician of the Academy of Europe, Ahmed Shaker, Professor of Ryerson University in Canada, Demin Feng, Lead Researcher of Fujita Industry, Professor Liu Shaoyu, top academic expert and practitioner in the field of sustainable architecture, Professor Dai Qingli of Michigan Technological University in the U.S., and excellent young talents of BUCEA Shan Xiaowei, Nie Jinzhe and Liu Ranbin. These experts in different fields will give presentations concerning topics that the students are generally interested in and concerned about in the wise and leading-edge academic atmosphere.


在首日的两场学术讲座中,Panza院士和Demin Feng教授分别以新型确定性地震灾害评估方法(NDSHA“311东日本大地震震后技术对策为题,与同学们分享交流。

In the two academic lectures on the first day, Academician Panza and Professor Demin Feng shared with the students on the topics of NDSHA: A New Paradigm for Reliable Seismic Hazard Assessment and Post 311 East Japan Earthquake Technological Solutions respectively.

在经历一天的学习交流后,多次来过中国的国际学生阿曼达表示:这场特殊的线上暑期学校所带来的感受是新颖的、前所未有的。我将了解中国乃至世界的绿色建筑的现状及发展,并理解当前人类所面临的挑战及创造更美好世界的责任。塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学的Teodora Lazovic认为自己能够跟上并理解老师的讲授,这些课程都非常有意思并且充满吸引力。我校机电学院学生王美琪认为:虽是采用全英文授课,但同学们参与课堂的热情丝毫不减,纷纷用英文向教授提问。开班第一天就收获颇丰,这使得我更加期待接下来的课程了。

After the first day’s study and exchanges, Armanda, an international student has been to China several times said, “This special online Summer School brings novel and unprecedented experience. I will get to know about the current status and development of green architecture in China and the world, and understand the challenges faced by the mankind and the responsibilities for creating a better world.” Teodora Lazovic from University of Novi Sad, Serbia thought these lectures were all easy to follow, meaningful and attractive. Wang Meiqi, a student from School of Electromechanical and Vehicle Engineering, said that “although the lectures were given in English, the students showed no lack of enthusiasm and asked professors questions in English. I’ve got a lot harvest on the very first day of the school, and I can’t wait to attend the following lectures.”


This International Summer School will last five days and hold eight high-level academic lectures. The students are divided into seven classes for group discussions and completion report.