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KATRU held a meeting with a delegation from the Development and Reform Commission of Shaanxi Province of China


The delegation of the Development and Reform Commission of Shaanxi Province (PRC) visited Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.

The foreign delegation was headed by Deputy Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission Yang Wumin. The delegation included Bai Xin, Director of the Regional Opening-up and External Cooperation Division, Sun Yuexin, Director of the Rural Economy Division, Zhang Fengqing from the Infrastructure Development Department, Wang Xiaoguan, Director of the Trade and Services Division, Ma Li, Director of the Bureau.

KATRU Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Operations S.Omarov welcomed the guests: "Visit of the delegation of the Development and Reform Commission of Shaanxi Province is the basis for scientific and cultural cooperation for us."

Deputy Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission Yang Wumin thanked for the warm welcome and provided some information on the development of the national strategy for economic and social development of Shaanxi Province, medium-term and long-term planning and an annual plan for organizing its implementation, as well as coordinating economic and social development.

After that, the General Manager of the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility M.Musayeva made a presentation on the activities of Seifullin University.

The foreign delegation was shown telematics systems using the example of the precision farming laboratory and 3D visualization of the CLAAS company, the Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory, the Research and Experimental platform for the Production and Processing of Agricultural Products, and the center for technological competencies in digitalization of the agro-industrial complex Kazakh Chinese Big Data Analysis Center was also presented.

Source: KATRU
