University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Poland
该大学被认为是Mazowsze地区最好的非国立高等教育机构之一。 UE&M的动态发展,高学历标准和学生获得的跨学科知识特征得到了各界雇主和专家的赞赏。
UE&M还有一个设备齐全的图书馆和阅览室,其收藏品超过44,000册。阅览室内最新的新闻收藏包括应用程序。 240种国内杂志和13种外国杂志。
Brief Introduction:
The University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw (UE&M, Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie) is a non-state higher education institution, established based on the decision of the Minister of National Education in July 1995.
The University is considered one of the best non-state higher education institutions in the region of Mazowsze. Dynamic development of UE&M, high training standards and interdisciplinary character of knowledge obtained by our students have gained the appreciation of employers and specialists from various sectors.
High standards of education result, among others, in prestigious awards and titles granted to the University, positive evaluation of the State Accreditation Committee for all fields of the study evaluated so far, as well as awards obtained by its graduates.
Faculty of Management of UE&M
Since the beginning of activity of the Faculty, the main focus with respect to the fields of study offered by the Faculty has been high quality and interdisciplinary character of training, ensuring up to date specialisations and adaptation of the training content to evolving expectations of the labour market. Thanks to this, graduates of the Faculty are perceived by employers as highly qualified specialists possessing the required resources of knowledge, skills and social competences, allowing effective and responsible accomplishment of diversified professional tasks.
There is also a very well equipped library and reading room of UE&M, whose collections include over 44,000 volumes. The up to date collection of press available in the reading room includes the app. 240 titles of domestic magazines and 13 titles of foreign magazines.
联系方式 Contact Information
联系人/ Contact Person:Ms. Justyna Klys;
Mr. Krzysztof Poltorak
电话/ Tel:+48 22 825 80 34
邮箱/ E-mail:justyna.klys@wseiz.pl;
网址/ Website:www.wseiz.pl
地址/ Address: 16 Olszewska Street, 00-792 Warsaw Poland