Shenyang Jianzhu University
沈阳建筑大学是以建筑、土木等学科为特色,以工为主,多学科门类协调发展的省部共建高等学校,原隶属于国家建设部,2000 年在国家办学管理体制调整中划归辽宁省管理,2010年成为国家住房和城乡建设部与辽宁省人民政府共建高校。
Brief Introduction:
Shenyang Jianzhu University (the original Shenyang Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute), established in 1948, is the only comprehensive university with its priority given to Civil Engineering and Architecture as well as multi-disciplinary education overlapping among engineering science, industry, literature, administration, nature science, agronomy and law in Liaoning Province.
With the total area of 1,038,960 square meters and total building area of 590,000 square meters, the new campus is located in “college town” of Hunnan New District in Shenyang. The planning of the campus is full of people-oriented concepts and ideas of harmonious coexistence between nature and human being. A 756.31-meter corridor, which is the longest one in the Asia, connecting teaching area, lab area, living area and administrative area together. With reasonable campus planning, modern simple concise building form and functional facilities, ShenyangJianzhuUniversity is awarded “China Model Habit Environment of 2008”.
联系方式 Contact Information
联系人/ Contact Person:金老师Jin(Ms.)
电话/ Tel:+86-24-24692693/24694693
邮箱/ E-mail:wbsjzu@163.com
网址/ Website:http://www.sjzu.edu.cn/
地址/ Address: 沈阳市浑南区浑南东路9号 110168
No.9, Hunnan East Road,Hunnan New District, Shenyang City, Liaoning,P.R.China