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St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University


圣彼得堡国立技术大学(俄文全名:Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого)又有官方译名为圣彼得堡国立理工大学。是一个历史悠久的以理工为主的综合性大学,门捷列夫亲自参加了组建工作。该校拥有一支强大的科研师资队伍,其中包括20多名科学院院士和诺贝尔奖金获得者,是俄罗斯最著名的大学之一也是世界级的名牌大学。


该校有82名科学院或工程院院士,400名教授,1500名副教授,18000多学生和1500 多外国留学生。今天的技术大学是俄罗斯技术类大学中的顶峰级别的大学。



Brief Introduction:

The University’s position as a world-class University is confirmed by world rankings: 11th among the top 100 Russia’s universities , 37th in the world in THE University Impact Rankings, 5 stars in international QS ranking for online learning. SPbPU has always been among the leaders of higher education in Russia. For the recent years we take the TOP-3 position among Russian technical universities by number of international students.

The university is situated in one of the most beautiful cities in the world! The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is rightfully called the cultural capital of Russia. A metropolitan city of five million people, it every year attracts nearly seven million tourists, of which about one half are foreign guests coming from all over the world. St. Petersburg was founded by the first Emperor of Russia, Tsar Peter the Great, as a multicultural city, always welcoming guests and specialists from other countries. Polytechnic University retains and strengthens this tradition which has become one of the essential features of our University. More than 8500 foreign students study at our university and this number keeps growing every year.

联系方式 Contact Information

电话/ Tel:+7 (812) 534 10 02;+7 (812) 534-13-65

邮箱/ E-mail:intadm@spbstu.ru

网址/ Website:https://english.spbstu.ru/

地址/ Address:195251, Russia, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29

