Silesian University of Technology, Poland
西里西亚理工大学(SUT)是该地区最古老的技术大学,也是波兰最负盛名的大学之一。 它成立于1945年,是波兰工业化程度最高的西里西亚科学和教育机构,也是欧洲工业化程度最高的地区之一。 在其70多年的历史中,它一直是一个公共机构,在该地区发挥文化和意见形成的作用。
该大学的15个教育单位--13个学院,一个学院和一个科学教学中心 - 目前提供近60个学习课程和约200个专业,包括整个工程研究。 除了技术课程,候选人还可以学习管理,商业分析,数学,社会学和管理 - 包括项目管理 - 以及外语和教学法。
此外,该机构最近获得了“人力资源卓越研究”标识,该标识证实该大学的运作符合“欧洲研究人员宪章”和“研究人员招募行为准则”。 SUT还获得了ELSEVIER研究影响力领导者2016年工程和技术类奖项,重点关注该大学对全球波兰科学知名度的影响。
Brief Introduction:
The Silesian University of Technology (SUT) is the oldest technical university in Upper Silesia and one of the largest in the country. It was established in 1945 as a scientific and educational facility for the most industrialized area in Poland, and one of the most industrialized in Europe. For over 75 years it has been an important institution of public life. It plays a significant cultural and opinion-forming role in the region.
The mission of the Silesian University of Technology, as a prestigious European technical university, is to conduct innovative scientific research and development works, as well as to educate highly qualified staff for the benefit of the knowledge-based society and economy, and to actively influence the development of the region and local communities. The university, through continuous improvement of processes and organization, is a friendly and open place for work and development of the academic community.
联系方式 Contact Information
联系人/ Contact Person:Magdalna Zmudzinska-Nowak
电话/ Tel:+48 32 237 1000
邮箱/ E-mail:magdalna. zmudzinska@polsl.pl
网址/ Website:https://www.polsl.pl/en/
地址/ Address: Silesian University of Technology ul. Akademicka 2A 44-100 Gliwice, Poland