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Governor of East Azerbaijan Province welcomed at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University


Governor Zeinolabedin Razavi Khorram met with Rector Lenar Safin on 27 June.

They were joined by Vice-Premier of Tatarstan Oleg Korobchenko.

The Governor talked about his province and its capital, Tabriz, a historical city with rich academic and cultural traditions.  Among the leading local institutions are University of Tabriz, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, and Tabriz Islamic Arts University.  There are also Science and Technology Park of East Azerbaijan, Islamic Azad University, and Science and Research Branch of Tabriz.

The sides discussed prospective cooperation in joint programs and research in areas of mutual interest.  Staff training for metallurgy, machine industry, oil refining, oil chemistry, and medical equipment was discussed.

Governor Khorram expressed his keen interest in productive partnerships.

Source: KFU
