Polytechnic University of Bari
巴里理工大学诞生于1990年, 是从巴里大学独立出来的大学。 也是意大利的一所公立大学, 主要以科学技术教育课程为特点。大学由建筑系, 工程系,信息系, 工业设计系组成, 开设本科,硕士, 博士等课程。该校的工程系, 原属巴里大学, 具有60年悠久的历史。 在长久以来的发展历程中, 其声望无论是在国内,还是在国际上都不断上升。
Brief Introduction:
Polytechnic University of Bari is an Italian public University offering scientific and technological programmes. The Polytechnic forms perspective architects, engineers and industrial designers and issues academic qualifications such as three-year Degree courses (I level), two-year Degree courses (II level), five-year Degree courses, Ph.D.'s as well as I and II level Postgraduate courses.
The Polytechnic of Bari is a research University that, according to Italian laws, focuses its activity upon the studies of Engineering and Architecture; it is one of the three Italian Polytechnics and the only one in the South of Italy. It was born in 1990, by combining the College of Engineering of the University of Bari and the new born College of Architecture. The College of Engineering dates back in 1943/44, and its first courses were offered while Italy was still divided during the second world war. Many faculty members of the Polytechnic of Bari are top international scientists in several research areas, both traditional engineering ones and innovative ICT ones. The students at the Polytechnic of Bari exceed 11,000 in number and are enrolled in first- and second-level degree courses as well as doctoral ones. Such courses encompass all main areas of engineering and architecture, as well as industrial design, and are offered in the main campus at Bari as well as in the Taranto's one. Students at the Polytechnic of Bari can spend extended periods abroad within several cooperation programs with outstanding foreign universities. In some cases, there are Double Degree programs that allow students to obtain at the same time the second-level-degree diploma at Bari and a Master of Science from the foreign hosting university. The Polytechnic of Bari is a challenging university that requires motivation and hard work from its students, who are compensated with a high professional knowledge that allows most of them to easily enter the job market.
联系方式 Contact Information
联系人/ Contact Person: (Ms.) Prof. Loredana Ficarelli
邮箱/ E-mail:Loredana.ficarelli@poliba.i
网址/ Website:http://www.en.poliba.it/
地址/ Address: Via Amendola 126/b - 70126 Bar